buy a rent roll or business

Whether you are ready to buy now or just thinking about it for some time in the future, we will keep you in the loop with potential opportunities when they arise and share with you all the insights you need to know to be ready to buy when the time is right.

When the time comes our collaboration partners in other areas of the businessDEPOT group can help you with due diligence, get your finance lined up and get your structure right.

listings for sale

sell a rent roll or business

If the time is right to sell your rent roll or your agency business as a whole, we will lead you through the sale process to get ready, get set, and get sold.

With more than 40 years of experience in the industry and a substantial network of both independent and franchised offices, we know where to find the right buyer for you. We will have a vested interest in helping you all the way through to the final settlement date and beyond.

A standard commission rate for sales depending on the size and value of your business or rent roll means no need for difficult conversations [just a fair reward for a job well done]. We can assist you with contract preparation from a number of highly regarded legal advisors who specialise in this unique type of transaction.

get in touch

market appraisals

We know real estate and have been working in this market for decades. Yes, we know the drivers of true value but we are also aware of other transactions that have happened around the marketplace. If we need to know more we won’t be shy to work with others in the industry including expert valuers, bankers and advisers.

buy ready reviews

If you are looking for a perfect match that helps you reduce the risk in your business or helps you step up to a new level, we will lead the search. Our focus is you and what you need, not just getting any deal done.

Our buy ready reviews are delivered as a collaboration between our rent roll expert brokers, accountants, tax advisers, lawyers, strategic advisers and referral partners in finance.

These reviews will get you ready so when that perfect match does come along you have your ducks lined up.

sale ready reviews

If you want to maximise the after tax value you generate from the sale of your business or rent roll you need to get your ducks in a row now.

Our sale ready reviews are a collaboration between our rent roll expert brokers, accountants, tax advisers, superannuation experts, lawyers, strategic advisers and referral partners in finance, property management and wealth planners.

Review your structure, review your compliance, review the value of your business and rent roll, all so when the right buyer is found for you, you are ready to go.

Sell now or sell in the future, these reviews will deliver real value when the sale arrives.

succession plans

A successful succession plan needs to start 3 to 5 years out from ultimate exit. There are so many more options than just a sale. Being big picture advisers, we are happy to consider all options – whatever maximises your overall value over time is what we want for you.

Often succession plans are as much about the people than it is about the numbers. If you are wanting to empower your team to succeed you, they need to be brought along for the ride very early on rather than at the last minute. Sell down over time, quasi equity arrangements and splitting the business up are just some of the variations you should consider to guarantee more properties transfer and the plan is more structured and more thought-out.

other support

Lean on the other experts within the businessDEPOT group to support you with whatever it is you need throughout the buy and sell process.

We will connect you with industry expert lawyers, accountants, tax advisers, superannuation consultants and strategy coaches. You don’t know what you don’t know, so when we don’t have the expert in one of our entities we will connect you to one of our referral partners whether than be in the area of HR, marketing, technology, finance, wealth – whatever you need!