mergers + acquisitions accounting - businessDEPOT

Services / mergers + acquisitions accounting

one place to

help you navigate the m+a maze

experienced advice and support on all things relating to mergers and acquisitions

Our experienced accountants have supported their clients through transactions of all shapes and sizes. Whether you are selling your business for $1 million or $500 million, we understand the process of a sale, merger or acquisition and can guide you on all things accounting and tax, as well as the general commercial considerations to protect your position.

m+a accounting services

sale + purchase terms

In merger + acquisitions, it is vital for both the buyer and seller to have an experienced M+A accountant due to the extremely arduous and complex process.

Our expert advisors can help you understand what you are agreeing to and keep an eye out for your interests, whether things go to plan or not.

m+a strategy

There are many components to an M+A strategy, often it starts with a discussion with your accountant about your finances and trying to squeeze more out of your business. Whether you are working with our M+A advisors or your own, our specialist accounting team will help you understand the numbers side of things. From helping with due diligence queries and requirements, reviewing legal structures, integrating your accounting systems and business or just understanding the tax implications, we can help with our practical, commercial advice customised to your needs.

sale + investor readiness

The sale of a business starts well before a contract is entered into. Preparing a business for sale and ‘investor ready’ can involve a significant rethink of many facets of your business, from organising financials to streamlining processes.

Our team of expert accountants can help get your business ‘sale and/or investor ready’ well in advance so you can maximise the outcome for you.

who we help

we work with all types of businesses but also specialise in these industries

want to get in touch?

Great! We’d love to hear from you. For all your M+A advisory needs, speak to one of the businessDEPOT’s merger and acquisition lawyers. Our m&a consultant can help you develop the merger and acquisition strategy that is right for you. We’re here to help, and happy to kick things off with a coffee and chat about your business.

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