This is an extremely well managed rent roll of 149 properties predominately located in the Greater Ipswich region.
Over 45% of properties are in the top 2 suburbs of Redbank Plains and Raceview with low vacancy rate and minimal arrears.
This would make a great addition to your existing portfolio and add additional cashflow with exceptional demand for rental properties in this location.
Rent Roll information
- 149 properties
- Over 45% of rent roll located in top 2 suburbs
- Income p.a. from management fees and rent collection $170,599.30.
- Additional income from letting fees and associated charges $37,274.13
- Average annual management income [AAMI] of $1,144.96 per property [residential]
- Average management fee of 6.13% [residential]
- Average weekly rent of $358.21
Rent Roll for sale at $2.30 per $1.00 income.
Total purchase price $392,378.39