This rent roll of 156 properties has been superbly managed by a successful property management team and could easily be added to your own rent roll to dominate the Bundaberg market.
90% of the rent roll is managed at a management fee of 8% or higher, well above the standard in this marketplace.
The majority of properties are located in Bundaberg, with others in outer lying areas within easy distance to the current office location.
Rent Roll information
- 156 properties
- Income p.a. from management fees and rent collection $230,252
- Income p.a. from additional fees and charges $23,285
- Total income $253,537 per annum
- Average residential annual management income [AAMI] of $1480 property
- Average management fee of 7.94%
- Average residential weekly rent of $358
Rent Roll for sale at $2.50 per $1.00 income for residential properties.
Total purchase price $575,252