
Running a better business means different things to different people. It might be achieving year on year growth, increased efficiency, better processes, a cohesive team or taking every second Wednesday off.


For too long getting access to helpful advice from a legal expert has proved frustrating, complicated and firmly filed in the ‘too hard basket’.


From smart marketing strategies to social media, and everything in between – we know marketing. With all the challenges you face on a daily basis, why not remove the marketing challenges from the mix? If you need killer content, a wicked marketing strategy, a new website, or someone to provide some serious resources to execute your big marketing idea, we’re here to help.

People + Culture

We’ll help you remove the roadblocks to a highly engaged team while ensuring that you are compliant in all things human resources. Whether you need to identify a new role, implement processes around performance management or simply figure out what your team are thinking, we can help. By working with us you will become a better leader and have frameworks in place to create a highly engaged team, with a kick-ass culture.


Complying with the complex rules and regulations of the endless list of tax implications can be a massive headache for any business. Not only that, but it can dramatically affect your bottom line.

Tech Advisory

Is your team still performing manual, time consuming tasks? Tasks that could possibly be automated? Thankfully, these challenges have been made easier because of technology. Automating tasks and processes can free up more time and headspace so you and your team can focus on what you do best.

Real Estate

We’ve got a unique insight into what fuels the fire in your real estate business. It’s this insight that allows us to deliver accounting, advisory, agency and rent roll broking, benchmarking, bookkeeping, business advice and marketing all in the one place that will raise the bar of your real estate business.


Accounting can be complicated and confusing if you’re not working with the right team. Working closely with you, we not only ensure your baseline requirements are met, we can also help unlock opportunities and make better business decisions based on your finances.


With something as important as your financial future, you need some guidance to navigate the way and maximise the outcomes.

Agency Broking

Whether your journey includes buying or selling, businessDEPOT will be the coach who’ll train, motivate, and clear any obstacles along the way. We’ll advise on the best possible path that works for you!

Business Broking

Whether you’re looking to sell and move on to the next great thing or sail off into the sunset with your loot, we can make it happen. We offer end-to-end business brokerage including succession planning, marketing, negotiation, and project management throughout the sales process.

Financial Planning

Whether you are a business owner or a professional, your life is busy and your personal finances will often take a back seat. By engaging a financial adviser you can have a plan for your personal finances and make sure that this doesn’t slip through the cracks. It will not only help you hit your lifestyle goals now but also for the future. A planner can help you separate your personal wealth from the business where possible and set up strategies to protect you from the unknown hurdles that come up in both business and life.