About Us | Hi, We are businessDEPOT - One Place for Business


We had a vision: 
To be a true “depot” for business.

One where we not only help small to medium businesses [and the people behind them] break through those speed-bumps, hurdles and brick walls they constantly encounter. But give them the peace of mind knowing they can get the advice and support they need all in one place from people they know, like and trust.

We believe that SMEs are the beating heart of the Australian economy but often feel stuck, unsupported or lost. We want to help you make 'it' happen in your business, whatever your 'it' may be. We do this by removing the barriers in the way of achieving your vision. This may be something as simple as sorting out your tax, or HR consulting, an estate plan, documenting a deal or coming up with and implementing a marketing strategy for you. This is why we have created businessDEPOT, the "One Place For Business".

Talking illustration

looking at business in a new way

We know that business can be hard. That’s why we have created one place for business so you don’t have the headaches of searching high and low, for the advice and support to make it happen. We take a down to earth approach to working with our clients - cutting through the mumbo jumbo and actually encouraging you to pick up the phone, shoot the breeze and talk about your challenges, frustrations, wins and successes.

what to expect at businessDEPOT ...

no robotic mumbo jumbo

We take a down-to-earth, mumbo jumbo-free, decidedly-human approach to getting to know you and your business.

you don’t know what you don’t know

We’re here to help find the hidden riches that are waiting to be discovered in your business.

we’ve got energy to burn

businessDEPOT is here to empower you to take control, turn ideas into action and make it happen. That’s what energises us. Let’s share the spark.

no surprises

We’re committed to relationships and results that are free of nasty surprises.

a founder's story

Growing up in rural Queensland, John Knight had no idea what he wanted to do when he grew up. All he knew was that he wanted to be in business. That was no surprise, given he grew up in his family’s electrical contracting business, waking up in the mornings to the sounds of the fax machine receiving orders and the boys arriving for work every day. John’s father provided 24/7 service to a small local community. John always knew of the demands of business and the sacrifices a business owner makes.

Not knowing what else to study that would help business owners, John enrolled in an accounting degree. As much as he loved balancing the books and interrogating the data, John always knew there was so much more that could be done to help businesses [and the people behind them] to achieve their vision.

John continued down the accounting space throughout the years and gained incredible experience across a wide range of areas from accounting, audit and tax, business valuations, business planning and management reporting.

We have brought together specialists who share a common spark for making it happen for businesses.

Our internal specialists collaborate with the best in their field and are focused exclusively on small to medium business owners. Whether it's by working with another member of businessDEPOT in a different division or a member of the Collective.

we've created a culture we are proud of

join the depot nation

Do you care about clients and give a sh!t about helping businesses achieve success? What about being part of an environment that is collaborative, dog friendly and team focused? Are you looking to be part of a team who focus on your strengths and help you develop your career?

If yes, then it is us, looking for you. Apply now!

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one place to help you make it happen in your business

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