August is a ‘special’ month for JobKeeper payments as it is the only month with 3 JobKeeper fortnightsThis means: 

  1. If you pay your staff monthly, the minimum gross wage payable to eligible staff would normally be $3,000 per month (covering 2 fortnights), but for August you will need to pay $4,500 (to cover 3 fortnights).
  2. If you realised that August had 3 fortnights in it at the start of the Jobkeeper process and have been paying your eligible staff a minimum of $3,250 each month, you do not need to change anything for August.
  3. If you pay your staff bimonthly, the first payment in August will cover 2 fortnights and will be double the regular amount paid. This means that the minimum payment to eligible employees will be $3,000 for the first payment in August, and $1,500 for the second payment. This will result in the minimum total wages paid to each eligible employee in August being $4,500 to match the monthly payers. 

Remember to review your payroll calculations for August to ensure that you remain compliant with the minimum JobKeeper amounts payable to eligible staff. 

Have a question?

As always, if there is anything we can help with, please do not hesitate to reach out at and ask us about our business services and what we can do for you. 

More information

For earlier JobKeeper updates, click here.