After what’s been a rollercoaster year of ups and downs, there’s no denying we all need a little more fun in our lives. So, this year, to help spread a little festive cheer, we’ve put together a collection of awkward and funny Christmas team photos.  

We hope you get a good laugh… the team certainly had a lot of fun creating them.  

2021 has been a year with amazing opportunities for some and devasting challenges for others.  Irrespective of which group you fall into, it’s the humans in and behind the businesses that have felt the impact the most. So whether you are a business owner, a director, an employee or an advisor, we wish you, the humans of business a very merry Christmas.  

Thank you for the opportunity to work or collaborate with you in 2021 and we wish you the happiest of new years with opportunities galore and the resources you need to deliver on them! 

Ps. Make sure you take a break… you and your family have earned it!

Just a quick note about our opening hours over the Christmas/NY break … 

  • Our Brisbane office will close on Thursday 23rd December and open back up on Monday 10th January 2022.  
  • Our Sydney office will close on Friday 17th December and open back up on Wednesday 5th January 2022.
  • Our Melbourne office will close on 22nd December and open back up on Monday 17th January 2022.

If you need to chat before then you can give us a buzz on 1300 BDEPOT, otherwise we will see you in the new year!